about this blog

This blog is all about trying out stuff. Its title "yattemita" is the Japanese term for "I tried" doing something, which is what I love to do. I've always liked making stuff by myself better than just buying it. And I thought it could be interesting to write about it.


yattemita: Camomile Face Steaming

Last week I tried some beauty stuff. I had heard about camomile tea used as face cosmetic,
so I remembered that camomile was indeed very good for the skin.

I just took a big bowl and filled it with about two litres of hot water combined with 7 camomile tea packs. Less would have done too, but I wanted it strong ;)

Then I sat down in front of the bowl and held my face over it making sure the steam would reach my face by putting a towel over the bowl and my head. I soon noticed it was still a bit too hot, so I waited a couple of minutes. Then again under the towel and so I stayed for 15 minutes, which was actually a great opportunity for some thinking.

When I finished and dried my face I was really curious about how it worked.
And it did work! My skin was very soft and felt fresh and the pores were cleaned. And I got rid of this annoying spot I had fought with for a while.

I loved the result! So I decided to do this once month from now on, for it is natural and also much cheaper than any special toner or face mask you can buy in the shops. And it's good for the throat and for breathing, too.

Try it! :)

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